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Achieving Customer Satisfaction in the Field Service Industry

Achieving Customer Satisfaction in the Field Service Industry

One of the most important things in operating a field service business is remembering the customer. It's all too easy to get distracted by the service or product and forget customers are the foundation of the business. While every business needs to use technology to optimize service delivery to customers, combining the human element with the field service management technology, gives you a winning approach.

Business owners know instinctively that customer service is important, but they may not know just how it affects the bottom line. According to research, a loyal customer is 60 – 70 % more likely to purchase more products from you. Furthermore, 70 % of Americans are ready to spend more money with a company that provides great customer service. That alone should inspire every business owner to strive for excellent customer service. So, just how can businesses ensure the needs of their customers are met? Great customer service doesn't just happen by chance; it happens by thorough planning. 

If you are in the field service industry, customer service can be a challenge. For one, your customers are being serviced in the field, out of your "sight".  Coordination of service work is highly critical and the need for everyone to be on the same page is more relevant than ever. When developing your business plan, keep these 3 customer service tips in mind. 

Create Impeccable Coordination

Customers ultimately expect great service. They have no patience for delays that result from a lack of coordination on the other end. Most people do not have extra time to waste waiting for field service technicians to figure out where they need to be and when, and what they need to have in hand to complete a job. Furthermore, it is confusing when a customer receives different information from different sources that are connected to the same company. It's not only confusing but extremely frustrating too. Use integrated workforce management software to  make sure all of your field reps and office staff are aware of scheduled work, where the technician is in the schedule and of impending schedule exceptions. They should have access to the same information as it pertains to the customer so there is no confusion.  Better yet, deploy intelligent self-service customer portals which the end customer can use to schedule appointments directly, when, where and how it's most convenient to them, and then use the same portal to provide instant job status updates, tech location and even personalized service and product offers, without ever involving your call centers.

Create loyal employees

When  field employees are loyal, they are enthusiastic about your service and product. Their enthusiasm is engaging and contagious. Customers will be more attracted to the business when your employees are enthusiastic. Employees are more engaged when they are:

  • Given the tools to do their job efficiently (they feel successful).
  • They are recognized for their efforts.
  • They can work autonomously, when possible.
  • Have accurate information making their job seamless.

Enhancing employee performance is a real win for boosting customer service. Using workforce management software,  you can optimize schedules so that field employees are more productive. You can schedule them with the tools and parts in hand to successfully complete every job in one trip. improve fix time fix rates through utilizing robust work order software which delivers necessary detains to  your mobile workforce for every job. Customers can rely on your appointment promises because intelligent, AI- based route optimization software improves schedule adherence.  Using contractor management software, you can provide a a seamless service experience even when using contracted labor forces.  Field service management software increases productivity and provides a more complete toolset, thus making field teams them more successful, while consumer portals empower customers to interact more conveniently.

Ensure competent work performance

When your field service technicians are able to complete the task at hand in an efficient manner, then the customer is satisfied. No one wants to deal with multiple visits, delayed service, or lack of coherence when the field representatives arrive. If the tech has the information on hand,  from his or her dispatching software, to take care of the customer in a smooth fast manner, then it's less hassle for the customer. Customers have little tolerance for mix-ups or businesses that aren't prepared for the job when they arrive.  In fact, a Genesys Global Survey found that 78 % of customers rate themselves as happier with a service event simply by  being serviced by field representatives who are competent and armed with the technology, information, parts and tools required to complete a job. This should encourage any field service manager, whether using dispatch software to schedule employed field techs or contractors,  to implement the complete suite of field service managment  tools necessary to make the reps more competent.

As field service organizations utilize the cutting edge field service management software, they ensure representatives ranging from the call center to employed or contracted field technicians have all they need to do a competent job., from schedules and job information to asset and service history data, integrated customer data, and more. This allows your reps to maximize the visit and achieve customer satisfaction.

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